This eleven-minute documentary recounts Buckland’s pre-history, founding, development as a manufacturing center, leadership in early turnpike road-building, Civil War experience, and today’s preservation focus. Enabled by a grant from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Buckland Preservation Society is grateful for this support and to all who participated in its production.
Importance of Preserving Buckland
"In my opinion, properly protected and researched, Buckland has the unique potential to teach generations to come much about American values, especially the role of free enterprise, in the development and growth of the United States during its founding years between the American Revolution and the Civil War era.”

"I think Buckland is a jewel. To find one house or a grouping of houses from the late 18th century or early 19th century is rare and unusual. But to find a village, a town, which is largely intact that has seen little development over several centuries is just remarkable. Buckland is sincerely one of the best preserved towns that we know of in this part of Virginia, both in terms of its architectural resources and its archaeological resources."

"Buckland's existing buildings and archaeological sites are important because they help us shed light on our development as a nation. We learn about engineering principles, the manufacturing... the evolution of roads, and transportation infrastructure."

"These thirteen buildings form a remarkable record of the diverse nature of an industrial and commercial turnpike town."

The Cultural Landscape Foundation of America selected Buckland as the 4th Most Endangered Cultural Landscape in the United States in 2004.
Margi CarpenterProject Director of the Cultural Landscape Foundation (2004)
"I don't think there's any other place with this kind of layering of history and private willpower to protect the land for the future, combined with the degree of threat that Buckland faces.”

The Civil War Preservation Trust placed the Buckland Mills battlefield on its 25 Most Endangered Battlefields list for 2005.
o o oThe Civil War Preservation Trust
The coalitions of public and private partnerships established by the Buckland Preservation Society will change the direction of preservation in the U.S. Mr. Moe requested that the society apply for for the trust’s 11 Most Endangered Sites List for 2005.
Richard MoePresident of the National Trust for Historic Preservation (2005)
"Buckland has the potential of becoming a world-class historic site."
Elizabeth KostelnyExecutive Director of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (APVA)
"One of the most important things about Buckland is the landscape that is so fragmentary elsewhere.” and “The survival rate of traditional building landscape at Buckland is much better than what we have at Williamsburg.”
Willie GrahamArchitectural Curator, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation